Find your balance for a better quality of life

Perhaps you don’t feel as stable or as grounded as you used to and now afraid of walking down hills, walking on the beach and around the garden.

Unfortunately our balalnce can deteriorate over time, or with injury or disease.

The good news is that in most cases your balance can improve with the right exercises and possibly with some lifestyle changes.

If your balance has suddenly changed out of the blue, visit your GP. Possible causes are;

  • inner ear infections

  • blood pressure issues

  • reactions to medications

  • other medical conditions

  • visual disturbances (referral to Opthalmologist recommended).

If you notice a gradual deterioration in your balance or if this change is related to an injury, physiotherapy and pilates can help. We’ll assess your balance using evidenced based tests, your muscle strength and flexibility. We can then develop a safe and effective exercise program to make you feel stronger and more confident.

Curious to find out how your single leg balance time compared with your peers?

Age group

< 40 45 secs

40-49 42 secs

50-59 41 secs

60-69 32 secs

70-79 22 secs

Let us know how you went !

Bernie SmytzComment