Pilates and Yoga


Which one is best for me?

If you’re looking to improve your overall health through exercise, then Pilates and Yoga are two excellent options. Both are low-impact workout routines, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Discover more benefits:

1. Strength/Toning Benefits

Both Pilates and Yoga can improve posture, muscle strength and flexibility.

  • If you have pain or rehabilitating from injury, then a Physio-led Pilates program can guide you through the correct exercise for your body. Pilates emphasises ‘core control’ (gentle activation of your deep abdominals and pelvic floor muscles) which can help recovery from low back pain and a range of other conditions.

  • Pilates has the added option of machine- based Pilates sessions, which via spring resistance can further enhance muscle strength and toning.

2. Breath / Stress Relief

Both Pilates and Yoga focus on correct breathing techniques to promote mind- body connection.

  • The breathing technique can differ between the two. Pilates promotes ‘diaphragmatic’ breathing for effective lung expansion and facilitation of core muscle activity. Yoga requires you to breathe deeper into your belly, which may result in losing your core connection and decreasing your spinal stability. Both techniques however result in fuller, slower breaths, which in turn promotes reduced levels of stress and improved sleep patterns.

  • You may also be drawn to the meditation and spirituality aspect of Yoga to assist in your physical and mental health.

3. The Bottom Line

Both Pilates and Yoga have amazing health benefits.

Think of them as complimentary exercise disciplines to take your well being to a new level. Add in a brisk walk, swim, cycle to get the heart pumping, and you’ll have a well-balanced exercise routine to continue through life.

Most importantly choose the practice that resonates with you the most. You’ll be much more likely continuing the activity you really enjoy.

Are you looking for your Pilates options in Noosa?

Bernpilates is here to help.

Bernie Smytz