Surgery versus physio


In 2017-2018, one in six Australians complained of back pain.

A recent story on the ABC 7:30 Report investigated the different forms of treatment available for back pain sufferers in Australia, particularly looking at spinal fusion surgery versus physiotherapy.

Spinal fusion is a common type of back operation where two or more vertebrae are fused together to create stability in the spine. Orthopedic Surgeon Professor Ian Harris revealed that there is little evidence to indicate the success of this type of surgery, especially if the patient’s pain was non-specific in nature or caused by a degenerative condition. There is growing evidence to suggest a structured physiotherapy program in many cases is more effective then spinal fusion in helping ease patient symptoms.

Each bernpilates physio program is underpinned by teaching our clients how to manage their back pain long -term, instead of relying on ‘quick fixes’.

Our 2 key physio strategies are:

  1. Exercise. Backs are designed to move, lift and carry; not to sit all day. Vary your exercise routine to include core strengthening, stretching and ‘something that makes you breathless’ such as walking or swimming.

  2. Education. For long-term pain relief you may need to alter the way you do things. Learning correct ways to sit and stand, as well perform day to day activities are essential to back care.

To understand how Physio and Pilates can help you manage your pain, book an appointment with Berni today.